
Application Timeline & Requirements

Application Timeline

Apply to the IPUG using the online International Application System with no fee.

After you enter the application system, please select


International College
of Sustainability Innovations

International Program on Urban Governance (Instructed in English)

After you enter the application system, please select


International College
of Sustainability Innovations

International Program on Urban Governance (Instructed in English)

Required documents


Application form ( Fill out the form online )

Applicant must affix his/her signature on the declaration and upload it to the online application system.


Two-page study plan which should include

a、Your specific area of academic interest(i.e. a specific research topic you want to work on) and what you have learned about this topic.

b、How your past education and other experiences have prepared you to be successful in the graduate program?

c、Your professional goals or career plan.


Resume or CV


Official certificate of bachelor’s degree / diploma


Official undergraduate transcript

Grade Point Average (GPA) must be included in the transcript.


Non-English native speakers should provide certificate(s) of English language proficiency

Proof of English proficiency required for non-English native speakers: equivalent to certificate of CEFR Level B1 or above


Financial statement

  1. An official certificate indicating an account balance of more than NTD$ 200,000 (USD$ 6,500) and issued within 3 months by financial institution that sufficient funds are available to support the applicant during the studies in Taiwan.
  2. A bank statement is still required as part of the application process, even if you are applying for the Taiwan ICDF or Taiwan MOE Scholarship. While these scholarships provide financial support, the university requires a bank statement to verify that applicants have sufficient funds before their scholarship status is confirmed.


A copy of the passport (main page)


Recommendation letters (Optional)

While recommendation letters are optional for the IPUG program, submitting them may enhance your application’s overall competitiveness. Recommendation Letters should be written in Chinese or English by the teacher or employer of applicant.


Financial Aid Application Form for Prospective Students

(Optional. However, it’s a compulsory document for those who intend to apply for the IPUG scholarships, assistantships, and tuition and fee waiver.)

Other Information

01.Degree Requirements

02.Course Descriptions & syllabi

03.Financial Aid

For more information, please visit:

If any original document mentioned above is not presented in English or
not possible to acquire an English version, a copy of a certified translation must be provided